Lenox Hill Radiology And Medical Imaging - Sahajayoga Meditation and Self revising
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Help straight through Sahaja Yoga to overcome stress
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How is Sahajayoga Meditation and Self revising
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Sahaja-Yoga works on awakening of primordial vigor within us called Kundalini. When the Kundalini rises and crosses the sixth vigor centre, it brings us into a state of thoughtless-awareness - no distracting thoughts from hereafter or past are bombarding the mind. All conflicts residing in the mind that originate stress, evaporate. We enter into a state of peace within, remaining thoroughly in the gift and aware of everything around us.
Sahaja-Yoga meditation brings us into balance.
As mentioned about the human subtle system, we have a subtle body within us that consists of seven vigor centres and three channels. In our daily life, whether one of these channels can be more active foremost to a unavoidable state of our behavior. If we move to the right channel, we become overactive, restless, stressed and tense. If we move to the left channel, we become depressed and lethargic. But if we remain in the centre channel, we become dynamic, energetic, moral - all foremost to an integrated personality. The quarterly convention of Sahaja-Yoga helps us to originate the centre channel.
Finally, Sahaja-Yoga connects us to the All Pervading power. We become one with the vigor source, which creates, manages and nourishes the nature and is the primal spring of the vigor that is called Kundalini. As we are always connected to the source of the energy, our vigor centres are enduringly nourished by this All Pervading power. So we always remain fresh and cheerful and do not get fatigued, tired and stressed out and thoroughly enjoy every operation we are complicated in.
Medical explore on effects of Sahaja Yoga on Hypertension
Medical explore conducted by physiology agency of the Lady Hardinge curative College, New Delhi, India and Sucheta Kripalani Hospital on assorted groups of personel Sahaja-Yoga meditators has revealed that the convention of Sahaja-Yoga is accompanied by a decrease in tension, stress, anxiety, depression and hypertension.
These studies were conducted upon 10 population in the age group of 35 to 50. They were from the agency of Physiology and had no old training in any form of yoga, meditation. They were given two days training by a marvelous Sahaja-Yoga educator in the physiology department. Thereafter they practiced it 20 minutes daily, for a few weeks, under the watchful eyes of the tutor.
At fixed intervals doctors studied the succeed of Sahaja-Yoga on the heart rate, blood pressure, the level of the blood lactic acid, Vma in urine, which indicates secretion of adrenalin by the body and the galvanic skin resistance (Gsr), which shows whether the patients were tensed or relaxed. All 10 were patients of hypertension; some of them were on drugs. As the Sahaja-Yoga convention progressed, the medicines were reduced and ultimately stopped. In the 12 weeks the diastolic blood pressure dropped from the 100 to 80 and the adrenalin flow, also dropped. The Gsr in the group changed from 43.9 kohms to 164.7 kohms; Mean level being 103.9 kohms
Many population practicing Sahaja Yoga commonly had already reported empirically what has now been confirmed by curative research. The outcomes of the explore have shown that convention of Sahaja yoga has had assorted curative effects on the mind and body foremost to improvements in quality of life. assorted other benefits of Sahaja yoga on all living things including plant growth etc are being considerably researched around the globe.
Man is the culmination of evolutionary process that has been at work for thousand of years, and has been given amazing powers compared to other living organisms, to regulate and operate the environment around him. But the greatest frontier, and one which acts as the source and suffers as the receptor of stress, is the human mind. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given the mankind a unique gift in form of her discovery of Sahaja Yoga, which should be utilized fully by the being for achieving peace and harmony in his/her daily life while remaining free from stress and tensions.
Effect of Sahaja yoga convention on stress supervision in patients of epilepsy.
Defence form of Physiology and Allied Sciences, Delhi.
An effort was made to value the succeed of Sahaja yoga meditation in stress supervision in patients of epilepsy. The study was carried out on 32 patients of epilepsy who were rendomly divided into 3 groups: group I subjects practised Sahaja yoga meditation for 6 months, group Ii subjects practised postural exercises mimicking Sahaja yoga and group Iii served as the epileptic operate group. galvanic skin resistance (Gsr), blood lactate and urinary vinyl mandelic acid (U-Vma) were recorded at 0, 3 and 6 months. There were needful changes at 3 & 6 months as compared to 0 month values in Gsr, blood lactate and U-Vma levels in group I subjects, but not in group Ii and group Iii subjects. The results indicate that allowance in stress following Sahaja yoga convention may be responsible for clinical correction which had been earlier reported in patients who practised Sahaja yoga.
Sahaja yoga in the supervision of moderate to severe asthma: a randomised controlled trial.
Natural Therapies Unit, Royal Hospital for Women, Nsw, Australia.
Background: Sahaja Yoga is a former ideas of meditation based on yogic ideas which may be used for therapeutic purposes. A study was undertaken to correlate the effectiveness of this therapy as an adjunctive tool in the supervision of asthma in adult patients who remained symptomatic on moderate to high doses of inhaled steroids. Methods: A parallel group, double blind, randomised controlled trial was conducted. Subjects were randomly allocated to Sahaja yoga and operate intervention groups. Both the yoga and the operate interventions required the subjects to attend a 2 hour session once a week for 4 months. Asthma connected quality of life (Aqlq, range 0-4), Profile of Mood States (Poms), level of airway hyperresponsiveness to methacholine (Ahr), and a diary card based combined asthma score (Cas, range 0-12) reflecting symptoms, bronchodilator usage, and peak expiratory flow rates were measured at the end of the rehabilitation duration and again 2 months later. Results: Twenty one of 30 subjects randomised to the yoga intervention and 26 of 29 subjects randomised to the operate group were available for evaluation at the end of treatment. The correction in Ahr at the end of rehabilitation was 1.5 doubling doses (95% reliance interval (Ci) 0.0 to 2.9, p=0.047) greater in the yoga intervention group than in the operate group. Differences in Aqlq score (0.41, 95% Ci -0.04 to 0.86) and Cas (0.9, 95% Ci -0.9 to 2.7) were not needful (p>0.05). The Aqlq mood subscale did enhance more in the yoga group than in the operate group (difference 0.63, 95% Ci 0.06 to 1.20), as did the overview Poms score (difference 18.4, 95% Ci 0.2 to 36.5, p=0.05). There were no needful differences between the two groups at the 2 month succeed up assessment. Conclusions: This randomised controlled trial has shown that the convention of Sahaja yoga does have microscopic beneficial effects on some objective and subjective measures of the impact of asthma. Further work is required to understand the mechanism underlying the observed effects and to form whether elements of this intervention may be clinically needful in patients with severe asthma.
A pilot study of mind-body changes in adults with asthma who convention reasoning imagery.
he Mount Sinai curative Center, New York, Ny, Usa.
Context: Despite the growing estimate of studies of imagery and the use of complementary and alternative modalities as treatments for asthma, explore on reasoning imagery in adults with asthma is practically, nonexistent. The purpose of this feasibility study was to lay groundwork for a larger follow-up clinical trial. Objective: To decree whether pulmonary function, asthma symptoms, quality of life, depression, anxiety, and power differ over time in adults with asthma who do and do not convention reasoning imagery (Mi). (Power is the quality to make aware choices with the intention of freely bright oneself in creating desired change.) Design: Randomized controlled study using univariate repeated measures prognosis of variance (Anova) and change straight through block design. Setting: Lenox Hill Hospital, an affiliate of New York University curative School, New York, Ny. Subjects: Sixty-eight adults with symptomatic asthma, after 4 weeks of baseline data collection and analysis, met requirements for this randomized controlled study. Thirty-three completed pulmonary function as well as self-report tests at 4 time points over 17 weeks. The 16 experimental participants also completed the 4-session imagery protocol. Intervention: personel imagery schooling (week 1) and follow-up (weeks 4, 9, 15). Participants were given 7 imagery exercises to settle on from and convention 3 times a day for a total of 15 minutes. Main Outcome Measures: 1) Spirometry (Fev1); 2) medication use; 3) Asthma quality of Life Questionnaire; 4) Beck Depression Inventory; 5) Spielberger Anxiety Scales (A-State and A-Trait); 6) Barrett Power as Knowing Participation in convert Tool, Version Ii; 7) Epstein Balloon Test of quality to Image. Results: There was microscopic evidence of statistical convert in this feasibility study; yet, needful lessons were learned. Paired t-tests indicated there was a needful distinction in the total power scores in the imagery group, and in the expected direction (two-tailed, t-statistic = -2.3, P = 0.035) and the choices sub-scale (two-tailed, tstatistic = -2.93, P = 0.01) of the power instrument from weeks one to 16 of the study. Eight of 17 (47%) participants in the Mi group reduced or discontinued their medications. Three of 16 (19%) participants in the operate group reduced their medications; none discontinued. Chi-square indicated differences between groups (X2 = 4.66, P = 0.05). Persons who reduced or discontinued their medications showed neither an growth in pulmonary function prior to medication discontinuation, nor a fall in these parameters following discontinuation.
Conclusions: Findings connected to major outcome measures must be viewed with caution due to the small sample size resulting from attrition connected to labor intensiveness and, therefore, low statistical power. However, the study did contribute needful data to plan a larger scale study of the use of reasoning imagery with adult asthmatics. The study also demonstrated that imagery is inexpensive, safe and, with training, can be used as an adjunct therapy by patients themselves. Its efficacy needs Further exploration. Further explore for adults with asthma who convention imagery is important, as current treatments are not entirely efficacious. Lessons learned in this study may facilitate correction in explore designs.
Effects of freedom intervention in phase Ii cardiac rehabilitation: replication and extension.
University of Michigan curative Center, Ann Arbor 48109-0378, Usa.
Objectives: To inspect the effects of progressive muscle freedom and guided imagery on psychological and physiologic outcomes in adults with cardiovascular disease who were participating in a phase Ii cardiac recovery program. To inspect tension levels, convention patterns, and perceived helpfulness of the intervention reported by subjects. Design: Prospective, quasi-experimental, with random group assignment within sites. Independent replication and extension of a study by Bohachik (1984). Setting: Four midwestern hospital-based phase Ii cardiac recovery programs. Patients: Fifty patients who within the preceding 12 weeks had had acute myocardial infarction or coronary artery bypass surgical operation or both, studied during 6 weeks of participation in a phase Ii cardiac recovery program. Outcome Measures: Psychological measures included state and trait anxiety scores on the State-Trait Anxiety list and reported symptoms on the indication of illness Checklist-90-Revised. Physiologic measures were resting heart rate and blood pressure. Subjective tension levels before and after home practice, convention patterns, and perceived helpfulness of the intervention were examined. Intervention: personel schooling session in progressive muscle freedom and guided imagery at the phase Ii cardiac recovery program, followed by daily home convention with audiotape instructions over a 6-week period. Results: No statistical differences at the p
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